Ethics Training is certified via completion of the Ethics Course. The Ethics Course is a training module available to all UW employees to learn about the Washington State Ethics in Public Service Act. UW employees are responsible for being familiar with and understanding the state Ethics Act. By completing this online course, you can fulfill your personal requirement. 

Please allow 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete the course. Be aware that there is no skip or save functionality during the course. Upon completion, you will receive a certification documenting that you have completed the required ethics training.

ATTENTION: You can take the Ethics Training with Internet Explorer or FireFox browsers. Do not take the Ethics Training with the Chrome browser on a Windows 7 computer; at slide 33, the training bounces you back to slide 1. If you experience trouble with the Ethics Training, please email with details about your error (e.g., browser, operation system version, slide when error occurred, description of error.) Then, I’ll update this explanation for future users. Thank you! If you unable to take the Ethics Training, you can also learn about the Ethics requirements in the Ethics Training Presentation.